So I begin reading this 106 page program, and I'm stunned by the reason I have never felt healthy and energetic all my live (let alone since I was diagnosed with Type I Diabetes). I think if I’d known what the underlying cause was 20 years ago, I would have never developed Type I diabetes in the first place. I could have changed the diabetes symptoms in a few days with only small changes to my diet and lifestyle.
Matt first clearly explains what is wrong with drugs and the health system in general. When I was first reading it, I didn’t understand what this all had to do with Diabetes, but in fact it has everything to do with diabetes. It has to do with all disease.
The next section he goes into the details of health from a cellular level. Why are you tired all the time? How can you change it? What five ingredients does your body absolutely need?
Matt then goes into the foods you should eat and the ones you should avoid to reverse your diabetes condition. I was surprised to hear a lot of common diabetes diet food myths debunked.
Then came the part where the author describes the reason for several diseases including diabetes. Again I was glued to the screen to learn the reason I was diabetic in the first place. Now I know why I have diabetes and could have changed it years ago.
Then the book gives a ten step formula to reverse (cure) diabetes (yes, even cure Type I or drastically reduce your need for insulin). This book may very well have saved my life.”
For more info, or to order the program,
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