Along with years changing, day by day, the food that we originally needed for survival has changed its forms depending on how we want it or how we processed it. Especially, due to various countries and cultures around the world, the food processing varieties are normal.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. This shows that humans' creativity and technology grown continuously. However, sometimes we forget that we actually need food to continue living. We just keep eating whatever we want even when we know clearly we don't need it.
Eat to Live or Live to Eat?
This is another question that makes us realize how the food purpose has changed throughout the history. With various types of food around and its different flavours, often we forget that our bodies need certain types of food at certain amount only based on a healthy diet.
There's a very good quotation that we can try to consider for our health benefits,
"The food you eat can be either the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison."
This is actually true. It means any food we consume can give us health benefits that will help prolonging our life or it's actually unhealthy food that can poison us by time and slowly kill us at the end.
It really depends on ourselves which food to eat and which food to avoid to keep us healthy. With so many advanced researches and how easy communication is, it's not too difficult to gather good information about the food that we actually should consume for our bodies.
However, of course it's often hard to change our eating habits if we already have another eating habits, even if it maybe will negatively affect our health in long-term period. It's even harder especially when we notice that usually, the tastier food is often the less healthy one.
But at the end, this will be our own choice. No matter how difficult it is to choose healthy lifestyles, we can make the change we want with stronger and stronger will.
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