There is a large number of effortless, cheap, normal ways to get rid of excessive sweating and enhance the
smell of body aroma.
Keeping the Body Parts Cool
Keeping the body parts cool is the simplest way to stop the excessive sweating. Face is the most sensitive part in the human body. One natural way to keep it fresh is to keep the head cool. When head is exposed to the sun for long periods of time, body temperature instantly increases, causing the sweating all over the head and face. What one has to do is to get a hat to protect the head from heating and sweating. Socks assist to stop excessive sweating of feet, by soaking up feet perspiration and quick evaporation.
Losing Weight
It’s a fact that fat people or people with overweight face more problems of excess sweating than smart ones. So such people should lose some weight because loosing the extra weight significantly increases opportunities of dealing with excess of body sweat.
Increasing amount of Vitamin B
Vitamins B helps our body to stop excessive sweating; so, we should choose right foods to overcome the deficiency of vitamin B, such as, whole grains are great sources of B Vitamins and fiber. Fresh fruits like cherries, peaches, watermelons, apples, oranges, plums are natural source of vitamin B. We should take a fruit salad for breakfast or in between meals.
Vegetables are also excellent sweat proof and rich in vitamin B. This simple way may be difficult for non-vegetarians, but vegetables really work wonders to stop excessive sweating. If some people don’t like to eat vegetables, they should try eating fish, eggs and moderate amount of red meat, containing proteins, which are great source of vitamin B.
Avoiding Nylons and Polyesters
Try avoiding nylons and polyesters as they don’t allow free flow of air and evaporation. Natural fibers like cotton and wool should be preferred as they make the skin breathe and provide plenty space around the armpit, allowing evaporation and free flow of air.
For more advice, click here
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